Texas Armed Services Scholarship Program (TASSP)

The Texas Armed Services Scholarship Program encourages students to complete a baccalaureate degree and become a member of one of these organizations: 


Each year the governor and the lieutenant governor may each appoint two students, and each state senator and each state representative may appoint one student to receive an initial conditional scholarship award.


How Much Can Be Awarded?

The amount of the award will be the lesser of:


Who Can Be Appointed?

Selected students must meet two of these four academic criteria:


The deadline for elected officials to submit 2024-25 TASSP nominations to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) has been extended to December 31, 2024.


Scholarship Eligibility

To receive a scholarship, an appointed student must:


If a student fails to meet the requirements to receive a scholarship or fails to complete the application process, they may forfeit the scholarship. The THECB will notify the legislative office of their nominee’s change in eligibility so that the legislator can submit an alternate student.


How Long Can a Student Receive a Scholarship?

A student cannot receive a scholarship for more than:


A student may not receive a scholarship after earning a baccalaureate degree or a cumulative total of 150 credit hours, including transferred hours verified by the student’s institution.


Promissory Note

The THECB requires a scholarship recipient to sign a promissory note acknowledging the conditional nature of the scholarship and promising to repay the amount of the scholarship plus applicable interest, late charges, and any collection costs, including attorneys’ fees, if the recipient fails to meet certain conditions of the scholarship.

Recipients agree to:


Conversion of a Scholarship to a Loan

A scholarship will become a loan if the recipient:

If a scholarship is converted to a loan, the student:


Loan Repayment Requirements

Once the scholarship is converted to a loan, the repayment requirements include:

Note: Students experiencing a medical disability, or any type of financial hardship can apply for postponed or reduced payments and cancellation (medical disability only) of their TASSP loan either verbally or by submitting a General Postponement Request to the THECB.


How Can I Apply?

  1. You must be appointed by a Texas senator or representative or the lieutenant governor or governor. If you are interested in this program and think you meet the program requirements, contact your legislator for more information. Students may locate their legislator at Who Represents Me. The lieutenant governor’s office may be reached at 512-463-0001. To contact the governor’s office, a student may call the Appointments Office at 512-463-1828 or visit the office’s webpage, Governor’s Appointment Responsibility
  2. Once selected, you will receive a Notice of Selection email.
  3. Once you decide upon the higher education institution and corresponding ROTC program in which you will enroll, provide your Notice of Selection to the institution’s financial aid office.
  4. The financial aid office will certify your program eligibility to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. Because program eligibility requirements include that you be enrolled in the institution and in the ROTC program at that institution, the financial aid office cannot provide their eligibility certification before those two criteria are met.
  5. Once the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board receives the institution’s eligibility certification, you will receive an email requesting that you complete your Texas Armed Services Scholarship application at Apply Online.
  6. The Texas Armed Services Scholarship online application must be completed or the legislator may provide an alternate nominee.


Where Can I Get More Information?

Review Title 19 of the Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 22, Subchapter I, or contact our Customer Support Services at: